Hello, I am


Glen, the ever-adaptable Remarkable, possesses a talent for blending seamlessly into any situation. Although he has a trusting nature that makes him susceptible to manipulation, it also enables him to build quick connections and form bonds with different remarkables. He is non-confrontational and will often just melt into a blob until everyone goes away. Glen’s unique personality traits add a touch of charm and lightheartedness to his interactions, making him an enjoyable companion for adventures and shared laughter.


Adaptable and easily molds to any situation
Trusting and quick to form connections
People pleaser and Peacemaker, diffuses tension in unique ways
Can be a spineless suck up and gutless flip flopper

Top Quotes

I’m with you! Wait, where are we going?


You are so right about that thing you just said about all that stuff.


If it seems right right now then it’s right that we do the right thing… right?