Hello, I am


Manic and off-kilter, both in body and personality, Holly is undeniably adorable in every way but her cuteness is only skin deep. Inside that tiny Remarkable is the heart of an over-inflated and ridiculous monarch. Due to her small size and adorable voice, her boastings of power, influence and destruction are often met with awww’s and a pinch on the cheek.

Sticker -- Wiggle Normal
Sticker -- Wiggle Headband


Wide-eyed, lopsided, no balance

small but hardy

very intense and fully committed to every thought

has what can be described as an “adorable Napoleon complex”

Top Quotes

I’m high on life! (and fun fuel)


I made this drawing from the fear of those who mocked me!


I am Holly! Harbinger of the armies of cuteness!


Fear us! For we are tiny but mighty!